Having to completely overhaul a fundraising event due to COVID-19 restrictions is an unnerving thing to do. It takes creativity. At Midwest Food Bank's Morton and Peoria divisions, the volunteer team came up with an amazing alternative, "Restock the Bank." The August 29 drive-through dinner at both locations was unique and fun and still g...
Midwest Food Bank is able to alleviate hunger for those in need due to the generous support received in the form of food donations, volunteer hours and dollar contributions. These are the key inputs to the MFB Business Model. Some of our donors have given non-cash items to MFB. These include cars, stocks, real estate, collectibles, grain...
Every industry has a "language" and food banks are no different. At Midwest Food Bank we use words like "hunger" and "food insecurity" on a regular basis. But, what do those words really mean? Hunger – This is a physical condition that is caused by a lack of food. Food Insecurity – The USDA defines this as the "lack of consistent access to enough f...
When visitors come to Midwest Food Bank for the first time they are often surprised by the size of our warehouses and the amount of food on our shelves. They aren't expecting forklifts, pallets, and semi-trucks. That's when the conversation turns to the difference between a food bank and a food pantry. Food banks – Midwest Food Bank, like other foo...
A box of cereal and a smile left a lasting impression on a 7-year-old boy in New York. Fast forward to 2020 and that boy is now a man in his early 40s and Jason Serrano can recount that event with clarity. "I know that smile was because she was doing God's work," Jason says about how the woman from a church down the street came to his ho...
Midwest Food Bank will open a new location in the Hershey, Pennsylvania, area, MFB President and CEO David Kieser announced today. Jason and Aleta Serrano of New York are leading a team of organizers to expand MFB's impact. They are currently seeking a facility to lease for the new division. "In Pennsylvania, 1 in 8 households are food insecure, an...
Midwest Food Bank has been shipping Disaster Relief all over the US since March (stories here and here). Family food boxes have have been helping people affected by business closures and layoffs. Volunteers have been assembling, filling, and driving food boxes every week. The Tender Mercies packing machine has been running non-stop, setting new pro...
Typically, in July and August, Midwest Food Bank is preparing for the Disaster Relief we will provide during hurricane season. 2020 has been anything but typical. Much of our effort since March has been focused on Disaster Relief. The COVID-19 crisis has placed many people in a position of food insecurity. Thanks to your support, we have been ...
Midwest Food Bank is participating in a new USDA program benefitting food suppliers as well as those in need. The program is called the Farmers to Family Food Box Program. The USDA is partnering with national, regional, and local suppliers, who have been significantly impacted by the closure of food service businesses. The USDA will purchase u...
It was a beautiful day for shooting guns and raising funds. The 11th annual Clay Shoot for Hunger was held on June 13, 2020. All proceeds benefitted Peoria and Morton Midwest Food Banks. 176 shooters took part in the event, which was held at the Oak Ridge Sportsman Club in Mackinaw, IL. Following the clay shoot, participants received a to...
It's that time of year again. Articles with titles like "Top ten gifts for Dad" show up. They appear for a reason. It can be difficult finding a meaningful gift for a parent. Forgive us for adding one more suggestion to the mix. Some truly unique and purposeful time spent with Dad would be a gift to both the giver and recipient. What dad wouldn't a...
Do you know a nutritious, hot meal that costs 20 cents? At Midwest Food Bank we strive to provide the best possible meal choices for people in need. One of the ways we do that is through our Tender Mercies meal packets - rice, pre-cooked pinto beans, soy protein and fortified chicken flavored seasoning. Coordinated at MFB Morton, Te...
Recently we shared how the COVID-19 crisis was giving the Tender Mercies machine a workout (here). That hasn't changed as the demand for Tender Mercies continues. Looking back, that wasn't always the case. In fact, there were many days and sometimes weeks the machine sat idle. "I see now that God had this all in mind," says Gail...
The Midwest Food Bank central team welcomes a new bookkeeper to our team: Julie Bakewell. Julie will be assisting on the central and Haiti MFB accounts. She will be working out of the Bloomington-Normal location. Julie comes to Midwest Food Bank with many years of experience in accounting and non-profit work. They include time spent at State Farm a...
This is an unprecedented season of Disaster Relief at Midwest Food Bank. Responding to the needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is posing unique challenges. Most states are experiencing work suspensions and quarantines, causing food insecurity. Rather than sending relief to a single disaster area, our partner, The Salvation Army, has been re...
Dear Friend of Midwest Food Bank, What an extraordinary time this is! Just one short month ago, we would not have thought all of the changes we've been through were possible. And yet now many of us are sheltering in place, watching unusual events unfold. Much has changed in the 15 years since Midwest Food Bank began providing Disaster Relief after ...
If you've been to the Morton warehouse of Midwest Food Bank you probably noticed the big machine that produces Tender Mercies meals. It's kind of hard to miss. That machine doesn't run itself - MFB depends on dedicated volunteers. Those volunteers not only operate the machine but they clean and maintain it, too. It's easy to talk about the numbers,...
Our plans are usually not God's plans. Don Owen, director of God's Warehouse, in Morristown, Tennessee will tell you that. Owen is one of 850 volunteers in his area that serve Nolachucky Baptist Association. There are several arms to their ministries - one being disaster relief. "Quite honestly, we let the Lord direct our path," Owen says. As the C...
Volunteering at Midwest Food Bank can fit into any work schedule. At MFB, we get creative when it comes to finding just the right volunteer job for every person. That's the case for JayLyn Knobloch, a third-shift nurse. Even though she works night shift at a local hospital, JayLyn wanted to volunteer at MFB. "I love the community and love what...
On the Friday before Thanksgiving 175 people arrived at Midwest Food Bank, Morton, to prepare meals that will be given to food pantries throughout central Illinois. The spirit of volunteering and helping others is prevalent during the holiday season and businesses, families, churches, college students and athletes are looking for local places to se...