Hello friend of the Food Bank!

I hope this message find you well!

This year we are hosting a signature fundraising event here in Indianapolis called "Kind Harvest: An Open Air Meal". It will be a meal with our 500 good friends, seated at tables around the circle in downtown Indianapolis. We plan on having this event annually. Our hope is to raise over $100,000 to support Midwest Food Bank Indiana Division. I am writing to ask if you, your business or someone you know could be a sponsor for the event this year. As you know we are a community supported organization helping 320 not-for-profits throughout the state of Indiana! I always say, "It takes a community to care for a community". We are thankful for your faithfulness. I am humbly asking if you would please consider one of the sponsorship options listed on the Sponsorship Flyer for our event.

Please pass this flyer on to any business that you think would make a good partner for Midwest Food Bank and this event. We will release more information soon about selling tables and individual tickets. Stay tuned and thank you for your support!

Warmly, with a grateful heart,

John Whitaker, Executive Director

Midwest Food Bank Indiana Division

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