It's a great day when Midwest Food Bank helps distribute food to people that need it. Normally, MFB gives food to our partner nonprofits and they distribute it to the recipients. But in late February, MFB, the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation, the City of East St. Louis, and the NAACP of East St. Louis worked together to give food to 1,000 families.

MFB volunteers Rick Huette and Stephen Roy drove to East St. Louis with 500 USDA food boxes. MFB also sent a truck of shelf-stable food a week before the event, and volunteers in East St. Louis bagged the food. Rick and Stephen stayed and helped to give the food away.

How do MFB, food pantries, local governments, organizations, churches, and a celebrated athlete with six Olympic medals come together to help people in need? It's God. He brings willing hearts together, and when He does, it's a great day.