Even when separated by distance, language, and culture, a simple story of love can show us we have much in common with people a world away.

"May our almighty God who is never outdone in generosity bless you abundantly." These were the words written in a thank you note from Star of the Sea Mental Health Initiative to Kapu Africa (Midwest Food Bank East Africa).

In December, Star of the Sea gave food provided by Kapu Africa to 86 mental health patients and their caregivers. Another distribution took place in early January.

"They felt loved and cared for. You played a great role in making these days a success," writes Sr. Stella Maris Wambui, founder of Star of the Sea. "Your drop of love and my drop of love make an ocean of love," 

With her nursing background, Stella Maris noticed that when mental health patients miss appointments, need medication, food, or clothing, they are more likely to experience relapses. She started Star of the Sea in 2013. She wanted to minister to people with mental illness as they are often overlooked in society.

Kapu Africa partners with many organizations to provide nutritious food supporting education and health. Donations to Kapu Africa (MFB East Africa) make that a reality for people like those served at Star of the Sea.