When corporate groups volunteer at Midwest Food Bank Florida, there is an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration. MFB staff always enjoy the liveliness of these groups. Usually, these events happen at the MFB warehouse, but it was more fitting to take the event to the group recently.

"MFB recently received a special request to organize a bulk-product packing event for the dedicated employees of Park Royal Hospital," says Scot Buss, Marketing and Development Manager at MFB Florida.
Park Royal Hospital is located in the heart of Fort Myers and offers psychiatric treatment programs for individuals battling various ailments such as addiction, substance abuse, and mental illness. Their primary focus is in-patient care. The employees of Park Royal provide a compassionate approach and are committed to high-quality care and treatment.

"Collaborating with local organizations like Park Royal Hospital is a privilege," says Scot. "It allows MFB to establish meaningful connections within our community and gives us a broader perspective of efforts to address crucial issues in our region."

Volunteer projects like this one at Park Royal allow MFB to work alongside organizations that share our commitment to improving the lives of individuals in need.