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MFB's Inspiring Nonprofits Making a Difference


Demonstrating God's Compassion and Mercy

WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. is a beacon of hope serving low-income citizens in their time of need. This nonprofit organization is located in Millbrook, AL, and has been a crucial partner in Midwest Food Bank Georgia's remote distribution efforts.

"Welcome Food Pantry is a recent addition to our new remote distribution in Wetumpka, AL," says Gail Frantz, Operations Manager of Midwest Food Bank Georgia. "They have been very supportive of our operation and bring volunteers monthly to assist with distribution."

Here's a glimpse of WELCOME Food Pantry and the invaluable work they do:

WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. provides essential food items, including staples, dairy, baked goods, canned and boxed goods, frozen food, and fresh produce, to low-income families in West Elmore County. They distribute food on the first three Thursdays of the month, with fresh produce available on the fourth Thursday.

With dedication and compassion, WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. currently serves over 300 families each month, a number that continues to grow. The heart of this organization beats with a core group of approximately 15 volunteers, but a total of around 45 individuals generously give their time.

What drives WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. is the opportunity to demonstrate God's mercy and compassion to those in desperate need. They are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of their clients.

Stories of Impact:

They provided ample food assistance to a woman who, due to her daughter's incarceration, found herself responsible for eight grandchildren with no means to support them.

A couple facing overwhelming medical bills was able to keep their home thanks to reduced food costs provided by the pantry.

They delivered food to a family who had only a single box of grits. Their intervention provided immediate relief.

A once self-reliant man, who had been tragically shot eight times, now relies on the pantry for both sustenance and prayer.

For most of their clients, who live on meager incomes of approximately $1000 per month, the food provided by WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. is the difference between having a meal and having nothing.

Midwest Food Bank supplies no-cost food to WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. This essential partnership allows the pantry to fulfill its mission of serving those in need within their community.

WELCOME Food Pantry, Inc. is a testament to the power of compassion and community, providing sustenance and support to those who need it most. "We are grateful for all they do to serve their community, as well as support MFB Georgia," says Gail. 


Our Non-profit Partners Serve a Diverse Population

"…be doers of the word, and not hearers only, …" James 1:22

Midwest Food Bank Indiana is thankful to provide food, free of charge, to our nonprofit partners. Our partner agencies serve a wide variety of individuals. Here is a brief look at two partners helping two very diverse groups.

The TRIAD program. Operated by the Brown County Sheriff's Department in collaboration with Parkview Church, the TRIAD program focuses on providing support for senior shut-ins. Approximately 150 seniors receive food, resources, referrals, and organizing social events from the program. Special Deputies Warren and Barb Schade and nine volunteer groups manage food delivery.

"We have been doing this vital food delivery for about 15 years, says Warren. "Many that we serve live in rural areas and do not drive. For some, we are the only ones who visit them."

Rapha Road. Spearheaded by Kevin Hangin, Rapha Road is a one-year, cost-free program focusing on long-term discipleship, life skills, job training, and recovery support for men. This initiative includes residential housing and aims to help individuals who have completed a 28-treatment program. It targets those who have nearly all experienced homelessness in the past year and have significant childhood trauma.

"MFB Indiana is blessed to support programs like these, helping them save money for their programs," says Marcie Luhigo, Executive Director of MFB Indiana. "They foster genuine relationships with those they serve and offer great volunteer opportunities."


Place of Grace Adapts to Growing Needs

A Place of Grace, a food pantry at Grace Episcopal Church, serves Hartford's Parkville community. It began in the mid-1990s and at first distributed day-old bread. As the needs of the community grew, the church built a 2,000 sq. ft. addition to the store, and the food pantry established hours open to the public every Thursday morning. They remained open during the COVID pandemic but pre-packed and distributed bags outdoors. Now, community members are welcomed inside once again, where they can "shop" for food choices.

Under the leadership of Rev. Rowena Kemp and Coordinator Kathie Rovetti, A Place of Grace now serves an average of 265 families per week. That number rose to a high of 405 during the week of Thanksgiving. In December, they also provided gifts to 250 children. Many recipients of food in the neighborhood end up volunteering and developing friendships in this warm and welcoming place.

I visited this food pantry in late November as the Agency Coordinator for Midwest Food Bank New England. Kathie introduced me to the room full of volunteers setting up food tables. Everyone came to shake my hand with heartfelt thanks for what Midwest Food Bank has provided.

I received a tour of their neatly organized facility, where they pointed out our pallets of beverages and shelves stocked with "non-perishables such as cereal, pasta, and snacks that only come from MFB." Their freezers and refrigerators were full, and they even pointed out a closet filled with cleaning supplies from us.

Rev. Rowena said, "Midwest Food Bank fills the gaps. By the end of the month, as the need increases, we can stretch our food supply. We don't know what we would do without your help."

As I drove home from Hartford that morning, I was grateful to be part of an organization as appreciated as Midwest Food Bank, making a difference in one neighborhood at a time. 


MFB Partner Giving a Voice to the Voiceless

Midwest Food Bank Pennsylvania's nonprofit partner, The Movement, stands at the forefront of community outreach in York City, PA. Helmed by Anu Banks, it has a clear-cut mission to give voice to the voiceless. The Movement connects individuals in need with essential resources, including food, employment opportunities, and other basic necessities and services.

"It's been exciting to see the growth in the outreach activities at The Movement over the past two years," says Janice Reinking, Agency Coordinator for MFB Pennsylvania. "Anu is always so positive. He and his team do great work, and we're happy to partner with them to help people in York County."

The Movement relies on the support of Midwest Food Bank. Anu Banks emphasizes this partnership: "100% of our food comes from MFB, which helps us do God's work." This steadfast collaboration ensures that The Movement can effectively fulfill its mission, even extending its services to Saturday afternoons when most food pantries are closed. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for working individuals who may require assistance outside regular business hours.

In 2023, Midwest Food Bank Pennsylvania provided The Movement with over $800,000 worth of food resources. This substantial contribution has enabled The Movement to reach and assist those who might otherwise fall through the cracks, further reinforcing this essential partnership's impact in serving the York County community.

Midwest Food Bank Pennsylvania is grateful for nonprofit partners like The Movement. We recognize the profound impact of collaborative effort in addressing the needs of the vulnerable in our communities.


REM's Growth and Impact with Kapu Africa

Kapu Africa (Midwest Food Bank East Africa) has witnessed remarkable growth and resilience in our partnerships across Kenya. A decade ago, we embarked on a transformative journey with our first agency partner, Rural Evangelistic Mission (REM). REM has navigated both expansion and significant challenges to their mission of bringing radical transformation to Kenya through the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Now, REM operates in four strategic locations: South B, Kibera, Homa Bay, and their latest addition, Magadi, each serving as a beacon of hope in their communities.

From the onset, our engagement in Kenya was met with ambitious responses from our agency partners. When asked what they would do if Kapu Africa provided them with food donations, their unanimous response was a commitment to shelter more children in need. This promise has been fulfilled beyond expectations. Starting with 380 students when our partnership first began, REM has extended its reach to over 1,500 children across its campuses, making a tangible difference in the lives of many.

Kapu Africa remains inspired by the strides made by REM and our other partners in Kenya. Through collective effort, determination, and generous support, we continue to witness the unfolding of positive change, one life at a time. We invite you to join us in this journey of hope and transformation. Click here to donate to Kapu Africa and be a part of this life-changing mission.


A Partnership of Care and Comfort

In the heart of Kenya's Mt. Kenya region, Nyeri Hospice has provided solace and medical support for the terminally ill since its inception in 1995. Located in Nyeri County, this charitable organization provides palliative care to patients suffering from cancer, aging complications, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The hospice's core mission is to offer comfort, alleviate pain, and address symptoms, thereby improving the quality of life for its patients and their families during challenging times.

Nyeri Hospice's comprehensive approach to care includes a variety of services designed to meet the physical, emotional, and legal needs of patients and their families. The day care program and patient and family counseling services are pivotal in helping them cope with the psychological impact of their illnesses. Recognizing the critical need for continuous care, the hospice facilitates home visits, supporting bedridden patients who might otherwise be isolated from essential healthcare services. Family conferences and social linkages are established to integrate a support system that extends beyond medical care, addressing the stigma associated with illness and fostering acceptance within families and the broader community.

One of the most pressing challenges faced by the patients at Nyeri Hospice is malnutrition, which significantly impacts their recovery and quality of life. The hospice team, understanding the critical role of nutrition in palliative care, frequently reaches out to well-wishers for support in providing for the nutritional needs of the families under their care.

This is where the partnership with Kapu Africa (Midwest Food Bank East Africa) becomes instrumental. As a provider of food to Nyeri Hospice, Midwest Food Bank plays a crucial role in addressing the nutritional needs of over 678 patients currently receiving care from the hospice. This partnership not only ensures that patients have access to the necessary nutritional support but also embodies the community's collective effort to care for its most vulnerable members.

The need for such support is ever-increasing, as Nyeri Hospice reports a steady rise in cancer cases, with 18-25 new patients registered each month. Many of these patients are referred to the hospice at advanced stages of their illness, underscoring the importance of the free care provided after a thorough social assessment.

The collaboration between Kapu Africa and Nyeri Hospice is a testament to the power of community and compassion in facing the challenges of terminal illness. Together, they provide care and comfort for patients and their families during the most trying times. 

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