By Super User on Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Morton Division Update!

Hello from MFB - Morton Division -- Packaging & Logistics Facility.

Over the past several months, many volunteer hours have been spent on renovations of our new facility in Morton! Our 3 main goals are: Provide logistical support for MFB, Package bulk product/Tender Mercies, & provide volunteer opportunities. A big thanks to the community of Morton & know that we are just getting started!

Packaging in Action!

We are happy to share with you a new MFB video! This shows what a normal day will look like for Morton in the not so distant future!

Packaging Machine Video

Calling all Volunteers!
We are looking to get a group trained over the next few weeks.
Contact us to begin training with the Packaging Machine!

Project Timeline

As you can imagine there is a lot of work happening and much work still to be completed.
The work is planned to be completed in 3 stages:

Warehouse ready for inventory. - 8 loads IN!

Packaging room complete and installation of the packaging machine. - Late Summer!

Complete the volunteer Tender Mercies hand-pack room, offices & exterior site-work.

How can I help?

Financial Support/Construction Needs

At this time, we have a need for approximately $300,000 in cash for construction materials. Tens of thousands have already been donated, but more is needed to complete the facility. As you are led, please donate online or by check (memo: Morton).


Please pray that we are responsive to the Spirit's leading. We want to discern when to push and when to be patient in all we do.


Here are some pictures of some great volunteers we've had in the last couple months. Contact us if you are interested in helping with the construction/remodel project.

Do You Have Any Questions, Concerns or Comments for MFB?

Feel Free to contact us! We would love to hear from you!

Peter Goddard - Comptroller
Ph: 309.868.9742

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.