By Phil Hodel on Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Category: Midwest Food Bank

LDS Sisters bless MFB Morton with their service

At many Midwest Food Bank locations, volunteers serve from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). Their words describe their time of missionary calling: "As missionaries, we leave our homes for 18-24 months and go wherever we're called. We spend our time serving others and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as will listen," 

Several young LDS women are currently serving as volunteers at MFB Morton. Originally here for our Fun Friday, these young women rearranged their schedules to come and serve every week. They come on Tuesday and jump in to do any task that is needed. These willing workers accomplish a lot during their volunteer time.

"I like to serve others by feeding the poor as Christ did thousands of years ago," says Sister Jordan Farnsworth.

"They are an incredibly self-sufficient group I rely on each week," says Brent Reddish, Operations Manager for MFB Morton. "They are friendly and efficient and it is very apparent they want to be here serving."

Do you have a group looking for ways to serve? Click here, or come visit us.