By Phil Hodel on Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Category: Midwest Food Bank

MFB Morton blessed through grants from the Morton Community Foundation

Standing together to meet the needs - that's what the financial support of the Morton Community Foundation means to Midwest Food Bank Morton. This year, MFB has received a total of $13,500 from the Morton Community Foundation. The Foundation can gather the funds and MFB can turn that money into meals for people that were impacted by the pandemic and all the uncertainties that unfolded.

This year the Morton Community Foundation established the Morton Area Disaster Relief Fund to be used to help people and organizations impacted by COVID 19. Businesses often want to donate but don't know how to direct their donations so it helps the most.

"Large businesses and corporations don't always know where to direct their donations locally so they look for organizations to distribute the money to those that need it," says Scott Witzig, executive director of the Morton Community Foundation. "A community foundation is something that they know has a pulse on the needs of the community."

Midwest Food Bank Morton received $12,000 from the MCF Disaster Relief Fund this year and that money was used to provide Tender Mercies meals in family food boxes. That money provided about 60,000 people a warm, nutritious meal. MFB also received a grant of $1,500 earlier this year from the Foundation to develop single serving, microwaveable Tender Mercies meals.

Thank you to the Morton Community Foundation and its business and individual donors for recognizing the need for disaster relief and standing with Midwest Food Bank Morton to help those around us.