By Phil Hodel on Monday, 26 September 2022
Category: Midwest Food Bank

MFB Values: Embracing Our Communities

Midwest Food Bank has five values that are based on the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. Our facilities are intentionally designed so we can embrace our community, with kitchens, Conference Rooms, and project space in our warehouses. Here is a look at what "Embracing Our Communities" means to MFB.

MFB's mission is focused on alleviating hunger and malnutrition. We do this through our nonprofit partners located in our communities and the outlying areas we serve. But "Embracing Our Communities" extends beyond the food we provide to our partners. Here are some of the ways our divisions support their communities:

MFB Peoria, IL. Our Community Room offers a place for groups to meet. Some of the organizations that use it include Resonate church (every Saturday evening for services), Shared Blessings (a philanthropic group meeting once a month), Peoria Area Anti-Hunger Coalition (once a month), and a bible study group (once a week on Sunday evenings).

MFB Arizona, in Gilbert. Multiple organizations use the Community Room, including the Chamber of Commerce, Lion's Club, and AA and CA groups.

MFB Pennsylvania, in Middletown. We're blessed and honored to work with adults from a residential facility and students in life skills classes. While giving back to the community, these individuals are learning and growing. We know of at least three life skills who have gained employment in part thanks to the skills they learned here. We also have a partnership with a local thrift store. When people donate clothing in MFB's name, we receive a donation for each pound of clothing given.

MFB Florida, in Fort Myers. Twice a year, the Boy Scouts "borrow" warehouse space to sort and distribute popcorn for their fundraiser.

MFB Georgia, in Peachtree City. Bloom is a local nonprofit focused on foster children and parents. We allow them to store clothing in an upstairs storage space. In October, we ask volunteers to bring in clothing donations for "Clothes Less Traveled," a second-hand provider that donates profits to local charities, including MFB Georgia. The Peachtree City United Methodist Men use our box truck for their yearly fundraiser. As a thank you, they provide lunch for our distribution volunteers.

MFB Georgia also hosts a number of local groups in our Conference Room. They include the Morning Rotary Club, the Annual Dragon Boat Festival committee, Young Life, the Eaton Corporation, and the Piedmont Fayette Hospital Executive Leadership Training.

MFB Normal, IL. Our Conference Room is available to and used by nonprofit partner agencies and businesses involved in our mission. Offsite meetings are some of the ways businesses use it. Three local colleges and universities place volunteer interns at MFB Normal. We produce a newsletter, "Healthy Bites," which features recipes and basic health and nutrition information.

MFB is thankful to work in a culture of Embracing Our Communities. We warmly welcome community members and partners, engage with them to serve those in need, and sincerely appreciate the joint partnerships we have.