By Phil Hodel on Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Volunteers make Gala a success

Thank you to the many volunteers who made the Midwest Food Bank Florida's 4th Annual Gala and Auction so special. Maxine Schneider led a great team of volunteers. Special mention also goes to Carol Siegel for her support in many details.

The Crowne Plaza in Bell Tower was the location this year, the first time it was held offsite. The Crowne Plaza proved a much more convenient place for many of our guests. A wonderful meal of steak and potatoes was served. 

Clark and Lynn Stoller made the trip from Gridley, IL, to South Florida to serve as auctioneers for the event. Their fast pace and light-hearted style kept the evening entertaining.

Over 250 enthusiastic guests made the event exciting from the moment they arrived. It could not have been done without the help of many committed volunteers and donors. On behalf of those MFB Florida serves, we offer a heartfelt "thank you."