By Phil Hodel on Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Volunteers vital to MFB Georgia

Volunteers make it happen at Midwest Food Bank. Their dedication and commitment during a pandemic were crucial for MFB to continue our mission.

"While COVID did change our operations, we never closed our doors. This is due, in large part, to the faithful support of our volunteers," says Will Garner, Executive Director.

MFB records volunteer hours and the numbers speak for themselves. In Georgia, in 2019, volunteers gave MFB 46,000 hours. In 2020, when we were uncertain about so many things, about 36,000 volunteer hours were recorded.

As we move through this year we continue to include, support, and train volunteers. There is something for everyone - office tasks, welcome desk, landscaping and grounds upkeep, drivers, and of course all the tasks around packing and distributing food. To volunteer as an individual or to schedule a group, contact Volunteer Coordinator Maria Puckett, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or call her at 770-486-1103, ext. 405.